Stock Dog Suites Santa Portraits Fundraiser 2020 had an AMAZING turnout! We raised $1200, had over 100 books donated, plus a bag of stuffed animals from Gas City Police Department!! With our proceeds we were able to donate 300+ children's books and stuffed animals to First Light Child Advocacy Center of Grant County. All in Memory of my dad, Lt Matthew Swain!
Thank you to everyone that made this possible! You personally have impacted the lives of that many children right here in our county! We are proud to host this event and even more proud of our giving community! Merry Christmas! ❤
Special Thanks goes to:
Richard Justice - Santa
Jared Florence - Grinch
Courtney Swain - White Barn Photography
Sarah Tish - Sarah’s Sweets
Hannah Stone Barrick - Wesson's Canine Bakery
Kyle Nelson, Charlene Himelick Justice and my Mom!